Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Just another manic...Wednesday?

So, they say the groundhog saw his shadow and returned to his hole. I've got a couple of comments on that. First, there is no hole. They bring a groundhog that lives in captivity in front of the 40,000 people who come to see what happens, place him on a pedestal, and then some fat white guy tells everyone the outcome. Second, in the traditional ceremony (the timing of which was pretty unpredictable), there are only two reasons that the groundhog would actually go back into his hole: 1) He's hungry and 2) He's horny. Now, I can think of quite a few scenarios where all three of those words (hole, hungry, and horny) go together, but not one has jack sh!t to do with this little rodent's shadow.

Anyway, it's raining today, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. A little bit bitchy, a little bit melancholy, relatively randy myself...

One thing's for sure, I'm totally nurturing a sunburned ass right now. Every year, about this time, I enter a completely narcissistic self-improvement phase in an effort to not look like a completely skinny cracker the first time I put on a bathing suit. So, to the Bowflex and tanning bed I go...and I burned my butt last night. Except for that two or three inch area right above the crack, you know? The part that will never tan in a bed? Grrr...


Blogger Skipper said...

So there is a spot where the sun don't shine...

6:53 PM  
Blogger Dustin said...

tragically so...

8:02 PM  

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